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Keeping Gutters Clean? Here's How To

Keeping gutters clean

Cleaning gutters is a task that many people avoid. It often seems like a waste of time, especially when you can simply let the rain do the work for you. However, this is not the smartest decision because, more often than not, gutters clog up with debris and leaves that prevent water from draining properly. If left unchecked, the clogged gutters can cause water damage to your home and its foundation.

The good news is that cleaning gutters don't have to be difficult or time-consuming. With proper maintenance, you can make sure that your gutters do their job properly. Here are some tips from our Spartan Soft Wash, LLC pressure washing team on how to clean your gutter system.

Inspect Gutters

Inspect the gutters for any damage or blockages. You can do this by looking for leaves, and other debris stuck in the gutters.

Remove Blockage From Gutters

Ensure that the gutters are free from blockages so water can flow freely through them. If you find any blockages, remove them using a wire brush or hose nozzle attachment.

Wash Gutters

Once you have cleared away all debris from your gutters, use a garden hose with an adjustable nozzle attachment to wash out all dirt and debris from inside of them. Make sure not to spray water directly onto your home's exterior walls or windows, as they may get damaged due to pressure buildup. Instead, direct it to the ground so it doesn't cause damage!

Scrub Gutters

Once you have finished washing out all dirt and debris from the inside of your gutters, use a brush attachment on your garden hose (or an old toothbrush) to scrub down any areas where grime has built up over time (for example, near downspouts). This will help ensure that clogs don't occur again in these areas!

How Often Should You Clean Gutters?

Every time it rains, dirt, leaves, and other debris get washed into your gutters. If this material isn't removed quickly, it will clog them up and prevent water from draining properly. Over time, this can lead to serious problems like rotting wood fascia boards or leaks in your roof line. That's why it's so important to keep an eye on your gutters and make sure they're cleaned at least twice each year (more often if there is a heavy rainy season).

Hire A Professional Pressure Washing Company For Gutter Cleaning Your Home Or Business

Hiring a professional commercial pressure washing company is the best way to make sure your gutters are cleaned thoroughly and efficiently. Professional pressure washing companies have the equipment and experience necessary to clean your gutters in no time. They will also be able to give you advice on how often you should get your gutters cleaned, as well as what products they recommend for cleaning them. Consider hiring the pros at Spartan Soft Wash, LLC to keep your gutters debris-free with gutter cleaning! Give us a call at

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